DIY Rice Sock - Homemade Cold and Hot Pack

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Woman with rice sock on shoulder to relieve pain - DIY Rice Sock

Applying ice and heat to sore muscles is great for relieving pain. But, fancy gel packs and heating pads can be expensive. Homemade cold and hot packs are quick and easy to make and work just as well. There are only three easy steps to make your own DIY rice sock.

What you need:

  • 1 clean cotton sock (crew socks, knee-high socks, and tube socks work best)
  • 2-3 cups of rice
  • Refrigerator and/or microwave


  1. Fill the sock with rice
    Start by filling your sock with uncooked rice using a spoon or funnel. You'll want to fill it about halfway. You can also use beans, barley, or flaxseeds. If desired, you can also add essential oils to give your rice sock a nice, soothing scent when you heat it up.
  2. Tie a knot
    Tie a knot at the top of the sock. You can do this with twine or anything that can withstand the microwave, or by simply knotting the sock itself. This will keep the rice from falling out. Sewing the top of the sock is also an option, but we prefer tying a knot. After time, the rice could become stale, and it's easier to replace the rice if all you have to do is untie a knot!
  3. Cool it down or heat it up
    Cool your rice sock in the freezer for about 45 minutes, or heat it in the microwave with a cup for water for 1-2 minutes.

Apply your rice sock for 15-20 minutes to relieve your aches and pains.

Homemade cold and hot packs are a gentle and effective way to soothe pain. They're quick and easy to make and can be reused again and again. For more crafty ideas, check out some other uses for old socks.

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